About the Author
Who am I?

I’m a 28-year-old entrepreneur with a passion for tennis and padel. My journey with ball sports began in childhood, and I started playing tennis five years ago. Over the past two years, I’ve taken on coaching responsibilities for adults and juniors. I have worked for a long time in the HLK tennis club. I have gained experience and insight into the tennis environment through my work.
I am an active tennis enthusiast, coach, and captain of my tennis team.
The Purpose of TennisLeo.fi
My articles aim to make it easier for people interested in tennis to find helpful information. In this way, I encourage people to play tennis and further develop themselves.
In addition to tennis, my website also aims to raise awareness of padel and how to play it.
My articles have helped tens of thousands of future and current players interested in tennis and padel.
Leo Karisto
📨 leo@tennisleo.com