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Different Tennis Court Types

Davis Cup Tennis Court
Tennis mainly consists of hard and soft court types such as carpet and grass courts. From this article you will find the detailed explanations of the court types.

What Is Billie Jean King Cup in Tennis?

BIllie Jean King Cup thumbnail with flag and women emojis
The Billie Jean King Cup is an international team competition in women's tennis, organized by the International Tennis Federation (ITF). It used to be called Fed Cup but was renamed Billie Jean King Cup to honor Billie Jean King, one of the most successful female tennis players.

What Does Love Mean In Tennis?

Love situation displayed with points and highlight colors
Love is a tennis term referring to a player with 0 points, games, or sets in the current match. For example, if the situation is 40-0 the umpire announces it as "forty-love".

Who Serves First in Tennis?

Who Serves First
The most common way to decide who serves first is to perform a coin toss or a racket spin before the match. There are no official rules on how the decision should be made but coin toss and racket spin have proven to be the most common ways.

Tennis Sock Reviews (2024)

Asics tennissocks
The following tennis sock models have been tested and reviewed in this article: the Asics Crew Sock, the Asics Court + Tennis Crew Sock and the Asics Quarter Sock.

Basic Tennis Rules

Two tennis books and a tennis ball on a table
Rules of tennis can be hard to read so purpose of this article is to explain the rules in a simplified and player-friendly way.